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Kush Patel, b. 1999,

Based in Wellington, New Zealand


I’m a filmmaker who kicked off his journey in the bustling streets of Mumbai, cutting my teeth on commercials, music videos, and short films. Clearly, I enjoy challenges. After conquering the Mumbai scene, I packed my bags and headed to London, seeking a melting pot of cultures and backgrounds. I made some short films there too, because why not? Oh, and I also dabbled in music videos for Indie singers who wanted their videos shot abroad—because apparently, nothing says "cool" like a London backdrop.


I'm a jack-of-all-trades in filmmaking: Cinematography, Editing, Producing, you name it. I even have a moderate grasp on sound design and recording—just enough to be dangerous. After hopping around the UK, I finally landed in New Zealand. Why? Because four years of long-distance with my partner was enough to drive anyone mad.


Not to brag (okay, maybe just a little), but I hold not one, but two master’s degrees in filmmaking. The first one was driven by passion, and the second one was my ticket to this stunning country. Now I’m here, soaking in the beauty and connecting with other industry professionals. So, here I am—ready to take on New Zealand, one film project at a time.


- Won the Outstanding Achievement Award at the Madras Independent Film Festival for my film 'Lahore Bhojnalay' (2021).

- My music video 'Miss Emily' (2020) Selected for the Lift-Off Sessions (United Kingdom) and screened at Pinewood Studios (United States Of America).

- My film 'Ouija' (2018) won the Fan Award at the Uhorror Film Festival in Europe and was screened at the Los Angeles Lift-Off Film Festival.


2020- Bsc. in Filmmaking, India.

2022- MA in Cinematography, United Kingdom.

2024- MFA in Creative Practice, New Zealand.

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